FedEx Canada now in ShipStation

ShipStation users who ship within and from Canada now of the option of using FedEx Canada as their carrier. This integration, along with our partnership with Canada Post, gives these folks two options within Canada.

FedEx Canada features that are accessible via ShipStation:

  • Label Customization
  • Multi-package Shipping
  • Electronic Customs Information Transmission (ETD)
  • Ground Economy, Home Delivery, Express, & International Mail (FIMS) services
  • 3rd Party Billing
  • Ship out Alcohol or with Dry Ice
  • Saturday Delivery
  • Contract Rates – any label you create with ShipStation will use your contracted rates

Learn a bit more about our FedEx Canada partnership here -> FedEx Canada Partner Page

This integration is further proof that we are dedicated to our customer-centric strategy and will continue to be the best option for retailers – Wherever you sell and However you ship!

Maria Fagerland

Maria Fagerland

Maria is a multifaceted writer and editor who is passionate about creating content that helps businesses succeed. When she's not writing, Maria can often be found in her garden tending to her plants.